How to Treat Sunburn Blisters

Sunburn blisters are a result of a second degree burn from unprotected exposure to the sun. The damage is severe, since nerve endings and deeper skin layers are affected. Treatment for sunburn blisters vary depending on severity. Here are tips on caring for blisters.

Treatment for Less Severe Blisters

It is easy to care for less severe blisters. The first rule of thumb is to refrain from touching or breaking them. It is best to let the blister heal on its own. It is also not recommended to cover blisters. The only time covering blisters is recommended is when clothing or other things rub against them.

Apply loose bandage, and make sure that the tape used to secure it will not touch the blistered part. Refrain from wearing articles of clothing that are tight and that will create unnecessary friction.

Treatment for Severe Blisters

It is common for a severe blister to break and heal by itself. Extreme caution must be exercised when attending to broken blisters. Make sure to touch it only with clean hands to avoid infection.

On some occasions, blisters do not break. For large blisters, draining is recommended. When draining large blisters, you can use a well-sanitized needle to create a small puncture. Gently push the liquid out through the hole. Immediately wash the blister, and dry with a gauze.

Part of the treatment process is the application of antibiotic ointment. Examples of ointment are bacitracin and polymixin B. Check for any potential allergic reaction. Ointments are useful in preventing a bandage from sticking to the blister. The use of iodine or alcohol on a blister is not recommended. Keep the blister free from anything that may rub on it. Make sure the dressing or bandage is changed daily to prevent infection.

Blisters should be monitored regularly. If it looks like a sunburn blister is not healing well and has various signs of infection, such as pus, fever, increased pain, swelling and redness, it is best to consult with a doctor.