Treatments for Blisters

Blisters are defined as a local swelling of the skin that contains a watery fluid and causes burning or irritation. Since most blisters are either caused from a minor burn or friction, a doctor's care is not usually required. Some common areas of the body where a blister might appear are on the hands and feet. According to the size and location of the blister, the bruising can be very painful for some people. In order to heal the blister, proper treatment is needed to minimize infection.

Treating Blisters

The treatment applied to blisters will normally depend on the size of the injury. Unless a blister is large and painful, it should not be punctured. However, a blister that is small and unbroken will normally heal on its own. This type of blister can be left uncovered or you can protect the area by covering with a loose bandage.

A home treatment is required to pop large blisters that may become further irritated. Popping a blister can help to reduce discomfort and pain. When treating blisters, the hands should be washed with soap and water to prevent infection.

Place a sterilized needle in a flame until it is red hot. When cooled, swipe the tip of the needle with an alcohol swab. The injured area must be thoroughly washed. Then, poke a small hole in the skin with the needle and gently drain out the watery fluid. Apply a thin layer of anti-bacterial ointment to the blister and cover it with a bandage. If an infection occurs, it is necessary to consult with a doctor immediately.