6 Medical Ways to Treat Dry Skin Rashes

Sudden changes in the look and color of the skin, leading to eruptions and itchy bumps, is referred to as skin rashes. Such rashes may affect the face or the entire body. When rashes break out as dry flakes, then it is known as a dry skin rash, which could have been caused by extreme skin dryness. So, dry skin rashes are found to aggravate many people in the winter season. Other reasons for this type of rash can be the exposure to chemicals, allergies or a prolonged bathing period.

Although dry skin rashes do not cause much discomfort, they have to be promptly treated. At times, the skin can become very itchy and flaky, compelling the need for medical treatment.

1. Hydrocortisone

This is a steroidal compound which is sold in cream form in low potencies. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing the rashes. It also helps to block the allergic reaction of the skin, thus controlling further spread of rashes. It is effective in speeding up the healing process of the cracked, bruised or inflamed skin. That is the reason why it is one of the most important ingredients of anti-itching creams.

2. Oral Medications

If the dry skin rashes are caused by Psoriasis, Eczema or Rosacea, then the itching can be severe. In such situations, oral medication of antihistamine is required. Such drugs can work more efficiently if they have sedative properties; hence, drugs like hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine are used commonly. In cases of rashes from acute eczema, corticosteroids are also given orally.

3. Moisturizers and Humectants

Dry skin rashes occur as a result of extreme dryness in your skin. When the humidity is less, your body tends to lose more essential oil from the skin leading to dry skin rashes. Hence, it becomes essential to replenish the moisture of the skin by using certain topical application. There are moisturizing lotions and creams available, which leave an oily coat on the surface of the skin. Due to this coating, evaporation from the skin gets prevented, thereby resulting in reduced dryness. Humectants will help to absorb moisture from the environment into your skin, and thus help to soften the rashes so that itching is under control.

4. Keratolytics

Keratolytics are helpful in breaking down the dead or thickened skin cells, and remove the crust and flakes of the rashes. Due to the speedy removal of dead skin cells, new healthy skin gets exposed, giving a glow to the skin. However, it has to be used along with the humectants or at least moisturizers to prevent the formation of dry skin rashes on new skin.

5. Phototherapy

This is a treatment involving exposure of UV light to the rashe's affected area. This is generally done for severe rashes caused due to psoriasis or eczema.

6. Colloidal Oatmeal Baths

Oatmeal cleansing bars are available, and these have to be used instead of bathing soap. Such cleansing bars are beneficial, as they do not remove the essential oils from the skin.

Dry skin rashes are usually mild and can be easily controlled. However, when the rashes become severe and more itchy, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist to find the actual reason for the rashes and treat them appropriately.