Risk Factors for Developing Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a condition associated with joint pain and inflammation, as well as red lesions covered with dead skin cells. The condition is actually caused by a malfunction in the immune system that causes T-cells that are supposed to attack viruses and bacteria to attack healthy tissue in the body as well. While researchers and doctors are unsure of what causes these cells to malfunction, some risk factors have been identified that patients should be aware of.


This greatest risk factor for psoriatic arthritis is having psoriasis, especially psoriasis in the nails. While the skin lesions usually develop before joint pain, both conditions may even be diagnosed at the same time.

Family Medical History

Patients with a family member who has psoriatic arthritis are more likely to develop the condition themselves.

Other Risk Factors

Most people diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis are between the ages of 30 and 50, although individuals of any age may be affected. Both men and women are equally affected by psoriatic arthritis. Certain types of psoriatic arthritis may affect men more than women (DIP arthritis and spondylitis), while other types affect women more than men (symmetric arthritis). For an assessment of your own risk of psoriatic arthritis, visit a physician who is experienced in the field.