What are Facial Veins?

Facial veins can appear as spider veins, reticular veins, or varicose veins and are basically abnormally functioning blood vessels that become clogged and enlarged. To understand how this happens let`s examine how the veins work:

The heart is responsible for pumping blood to all areas of the body to supply the oxygen and nutrients that the body needs to survive. Arteries are the pathways that carry the blood to all of the parts of the body. Veins are one way valves that transport the blood back to the heart. When the walls of the vein become weak some of the blood trickles back into the vein and collects there, creating a pool of blood. As a result, the vein becomes clogged and engorged and visibly appears on the surface of the skin.

Spider veins are the most common facial veins. They often resemble the body of a spider, with a red dot in the center and tiny little red veins, called telangiectasias, coming out from all sides. These types of veins normally appear around the nose and cheeks. Other types of facial veins include reticular and varicose veins which are blue or green in color.

Facial veins can be a result of a poor vascular system that can be caused by a variety of factors including, a genetic disposition, hormonal imbalances brought on by pregnancy, or high levels of estrogen in the body.

There are a variety of treatment methods available to eliminate unsightly facial veins and many of these treatments require just a few sessions to notice significant improvement. Consult with your skin care professional to find out which treatment is best suited to your needs.