Varicose Veins in Men

Even if varicose veins are more frequently met in women, this condition may affect men also. The occurrence of varicose veins is related to heredity, but may also be influenced by the lifestyle of the patient. The varicose veins may be removed surgically, but there are also a few non surgical solutions.

Varicose Veins in Men

Varicose veins in men may be present on the legs, but may also be located in other areas of the body. Veins can enlarge and turn into varicose veins due to the fact that the valves in the veins don’t function properly anymore. This may be a hereditary condition, but may also be caused by obesity and continual standing. The varicose veins may be painful, and they are also considered unaesthetic.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins in Men

The varicose veins will be visible, and may be present in the leg or groin area (rarely in other areas of the body). The symptoms of varicose veins will include:

  • Pain in the legs or groin area, more intense after exercise or a long day
  • Swelling of the joints and ankles
  • Blue skin color in the vein areas
  • Frequent leg cramps
  • Dermatitis or eczema in the area
  • Bleeding in the area, if there are wounds, these will take longer to heal than usual
  • White skin patches on the ankles, in more advanced stages

Problems with Varicose Veins in Men

The varicose veins may cause pain when standing or walking. In addition, the veins may be itchy and become ulcerated. If ulcers occur in the varicose veins, these may be a starting point for malignant tumors such as carcinoma or sarcoma.

Blood clotting may also occur in the affected veins, and these clots may be dangerous, being able to cause an edema.

Treatment Options

The traditional surgery that is used for varicose veins is the vein stripping, which removes the affected superficial veins. Less invasive surgeries include the ambulatory phlectomy or the vein ligation, which may be recommended for varicose veins that are not in advanced stages.

The specialists that deal with vein care and surgeries are known as phlebologists. The varicose veins may also be surgically repaired through a procedure that employs ultrasounds or radiofrequency lasers.

Non surgical treatment may include:

  • Sclerotherapy, consisting of injections that will shrink the veins. The technique may also be guided by ultrasounds.
  • Medication treatment with flavonoids and anti inflammatory medication
  • Thermal ablation
  • Radiofrequency ablation (ERA)
  • Exercise
  • Avoiding long standing hours
  • Special stockings, which will apply pressure, reduce swelling and stimulate blood circulation in the affected veins. These stockings are not recommended to patients with arterial disease.
  • Keeping the legs elevated

A change in the career may be recommended to patients with varicose veins to prevent complications and the recurrence of varicose veins.