Chemical Peels

Latest Articles About Chemical Peels
Alternative Procedures to VI Peel

A Vi Peel is essentially a type of chemical peel used for smoothing the skin’s texture apart from improving its contours and treating issues like signs of aging. Like every chemical peel, the Vi Peel acts by gradually scraping-away the outermost layer of skin, helping the younger, healthier skin t ... Continue Reading

Alternative Procedures to VI Peel

A Vi Peel is essentially a type of chemical peel used for smoothing the skin’s texture apart from improving its contours and treating issues like signs of aging. Like every chemical peel, the Vi Peel acts by gradually scraping-away the outermost layer of skin, helping the ... Continue Reading

7 Myths about Chemical Peels

Chemical peels do exactly as their name implies; they peel the layers of the skin with the use of chemical solutions to create new healthier cells, to enhance and improve the skin. Although it is not the fountain of youth, many individuals claim great success with this method of facial treatment for Continue Reading

7 Myths about Chemical Peels

Chemical peels do exactly as their name implies; they peel the layers of the skin with the use of chemical solutions to create new healthier cells, to enhance and improve the skin. Although it is not the fountain of youth, many individuals claim great success with this metho ... Continue Reading