Age Spots

Latest Articles About Age Spots
What are Age Spots?

Age spots, also known as sun spots and liver spots, are dark-colored marks that appear on areas of the body that receive the most sun exposure such as the face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and feet. They range in colour from light and dark brown, to grey and black and can be as small as a freckle ... Continue Reading

What are Age Spots?

Age spots, also known as sun spots and liver spots, are dark-colored marks that appear on areas of the body that receive the most sun exposure such as the face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and feet. They range in colour from light and dark brown, to grey and black and can ... Continue Reading

Liver Spot Removal: Liquid Nitrogen Therapy

Liver spot removal has seen many new approaches in the recent years. One of the more preferred options is liquid nitrogen therapy. Liquid nitrogen therapy is also referred to as cryosurgery. Liquid nitrogen is actually extremely cold, pressured nitrogen. This occurs because at most temperature range ... Continue Reading

Liver Spot Removal: Liquid Nitrogen Therapy

Liver spot removal has seen many new approaches in the recent years. One of the more preferred options is liquid nitrogen therapy. Liquid nitrogen therapy is also referred to as cryosurgery. Liquid nitrogen is actually extremely cold, pressured nitrogen. This occurs because ... Continue Reading

How Effective Is Microdermabrasion Treatment for Age Spots Removal?

Age spots, also referred to by some as "sun spots," are both cosmetically undesirable and potentially dangerous conditions that you should be aware of. As you get older, your body is exposed to greater and greater degrees of sunshine and ultraviolet radiation. The skin's natural reaction to sun expo ... Continue Reading

How Effective Is Microdermabrasion Treatment for Age Spots Removal?

Age spots, also referred to by some as "sun spots," are both cosmetically undesirable and potentially dangerous conditions that you should be aware of. As you get older, your body is exposed to greater and greater degrees of sunshine and ultraviolet radiation. The skin's nat ... Continue Reading

Microdermabrasion Treatment for Age Spots Removal: What to Expect

Age spots are a cosmetic concern for many men and women as they get older, but these sun damaged parts of your skin are also a factor that may contribute to cancer as well. Therefore, the age spots removal process known as microdermabrasion is an important thing to consider if you suffer from age sp ... Continue Reading

Microdermabrasion Treatment for Age Spots Removal: What to Expect

Age spots are a cosmetic concern for many men and women as they get older, but these sun damaged parts of your skin are also a factor that may contribute to cancer as well. Therefore, the age spots removal process known as microdermabrasion is an important thing to consider ... Continue Reading

What to Expect During Laser Liver Spot Removal

Liver spot removal includes a number of different treatments. They all include interaction with the multiple layers of the skin which causes many of the same side effects. Treatment options include laser, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, creams and cryosurgery. Your doctor will discuss the specifi ... Continue Reading

What to Expect During Laser Liver Spot Removal

Liver spot removal includes a number of different treatments. They all include interaction with the multiple layers of the skin which causes many of the same side effects. Treatment options include laser, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, creams and cryosurgery. Your doctor ... Continue Reading

Liver Spot Removal: Laser Treatment

Liver spots, also known as sun spots, age spots, lentigos or solar lentigines, are harmless patches of pigmentation that are not physiologically related to the liver or its functions. In the majority of cases, liver spots are non-cancerous, pose no threat and no treatment is essential. Occasionally, Continue Reading

Liver Spot Removal: Laser Treatment

Liver spots, also known as sun spots, age spots, lentigos or solar lentigines, are harmless patches of pigmentation that are not physiologically related to the liver or its functions. In the majority of cases, liver spots are non-cancerous, pose no threat and no treatment is ... Continue Reading