Medical Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted and sometimes painful veins seen under the surface of the skin. Usually, they occur in legs; however, they may occur in other parts of the body. Although varicose veins are cosmetically a serious problem, they can be easily treated without any invasive procedures.

Many lines of treatment may be used to efficiently improve the state of your veins. They include self-care, compression stockings, in addition to other medical treatments.


You can prevent your varicose veins from getting worse and relieve the associated pain through very easy activities such as exercise, elevating your legs over high pillows, avoiding standing or sitting in the same position for a long period of time, or avoiding wearing too tight clothes. Also, weight reduction can help improve your general health, including your veins.

Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are supportive garments worn all day to squeeze your leg to help your veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. Their ability of compression is variable according to the type and brand.

While buying your compression stocking, be sure that it fits your leg properly. It must be strong, but at the same time not too tight. If you don't respond to self care or compression stockings, your doctor may use one of the other treatments available.


During this procedure, your doctor injects a solution that scars into your small and medium-sized varicose veins. These veins are then closed. In some case, they may need to be injected more than once. However, it is the most effective treatment, if done correctly. It is a simple procedure that can be done in your doctor's office without anesthesia.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is done by sending strong impulses of light onto your veins without any incision or needle required. The veins then fade and disappear. It can be used only in cases of small veins and spider veins.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

During this procedure, your doctor makes a series of tiny skin punctures through which he removes the smaller varicose veins. After the procedure, you may feel some numbness in the parts of your leg being prickled. And, it leaves behind minimal scars.

Catheter-Assisted Procedure

Usually, it is done for larger varicose veins. This procedure involves insertion of tiny tube or catheter into your vein. Then, the tip of the catheter is heated. As the catheter is pulled out of the vein, it heats the vein up resulting in its collapse and closure.

Vein Stripping

Here, long varicose vein is removed from the leg through small incision. Although it is a long vein, its removal doesn't affect blood circulation, as deep leg veins take care of the larger volumes of blood.

Endoscopic Veins Surgery

This is indicated in late cases when leg ulcers are involved. During this procedure, your surgeon introduces a tiny video camera to visualize and close the varicose veins. They are then removed through small incisions.

Your doctor will recommend the best treatment that fits your veins' state according to their size and condition.