How Varicose Veins Develop

Varicose veins are swollen and knotted veins, appearing close to the surface, that usually develop in the legs. However, they can develop anywhere. For blood to be circulated throughout the body, the arteries carry the blood from the heart to the rest of the tissues in the body. The veins then return the blood from the tissues and other parts of the body back to the heart. The veins located in the legs get overworked, since they work against gravity to return the blood to the heart. With the extra work that the veins in the legs do, varicose veins can develop. There are other factors that contribute to varicose veins.


The aging process can make varicose veins worse. As the body ages, so does the veins and tissues, making them weak. Once the veins get weak, the blood is not circulated as well as it needs to be. This causes the varicose veins. The blue color of the veins is caused by the blood not being circulated through the lungs.


Pregnancy can also cause varicose veins. Pregnancy increases the blood volume. With the increased blood volume, the risk of developing varicose veins becomes greater. The risk is greater with each additional pregnancy, and if you have a family history of varicose veins. Additional risk factors include multiple births, being overweight, and standing for a long time without breaks. If you have developed varicose veins during pregnancy, they will usually disappear after giving birth. If the veins do not decrease, there are other ways to get rid of them.

Prevention of Varicose Veins

There are many different ways to prevent varicose veins from developing. Exercising is one of the best ways to prevent varicose veins. While exercising, the heart beats faster, causing the blood to move through the body faster and easier. This helps to keep the blood flow moving and not pooling in the legs or other veins. Daily exercise also helps with keeping the weight off, which also helps prevent them from forming. Then, after exercising or a hard day on the job, sit down and elevate your legs and feet. This will help to keep the blood from pooling in the calf area and keep the blood flowing.

Another way to prevent varicose veins if you are on your feet all day long, especially on cement floors like factory workers, is to wear support hose. The support hose are tighter at the ankles and get looser all the way to the top. They prevent swelling by helping the blood flow upward, back to the heart. If you are on your feet for long periods of time, make sure to take breaks often. When you are sitting down, try to avoid crossing your legs and feet. This cuts off the blood flow causing the blood to just sit there. This will increase the chance of varicose veins forming.

Varicose veins are not always preventable, but if you are at risk of developing them, keep these helpful hints in mind and try not to increase your chances of getting them.