Symptoms of Ringworm

The condition commonly called ringworm can be an irritating, embarrassing and even painful skin condition. Some patients don’t understand what this condition is and how it works. Contrary to what it might sound like, ringworm is not actually a worm or other insect. It is the manifestation of a certain kind of fungus that inflames the skin. Unfortunately, ringworm can be persistent and is also highly contagious. However, with the right treatment, many patients can limit and decrease ringworm over time.

Symptoms of Ringworm

The primary symptom of ringworm is some specific rashes called “lesions” that show up in a unique way. Commonly, there will be a red ring on the skin around 5 cm wide, although the size can change. Lesions may include scaly red raised bumps or even oozing areas. Itching and some pain can accompany these rashes. These rashes may occur alone or in groups and will become more pronounced as the fungal infection continues.

Treating Ringworm

Without any kind of treatment, ringworm is likely to spread and get consistently worse. Patients can get topical solutions that can help decrease ringworm. Those with ringworm are advised to keep the area clean, avoid excessive moisture and shield the skin from contact with dirty surfaces. With good application of available over-the-counter medications, ringworm can be treated effectively. Talk to your doctor before treating ringworm to make sure this is the condition that you have and that you have the best options for treating it.