Fungal Infections: Tinea Faciei

The condition called tinea faciei is part of a range of fungal infections that affect different parts of the body. The fungus condition is named according to where it manifests on the body. Tinea faciei appears on the face, where a similar kind of fungal infection called tinea corporis appears on other parts of the body. Lots of people know this general condition as “ringworm,” though in fact, tinea corporis is not a worm at all, but a fungus.

The general category of fungi that cause conditions like tinea faciei are called dermatophytes. For patients who are considered high risk for these kinds of fungal infections, it’s helpful to know about how dermatophytes travel and affect different parts of the body.

Spreading Dermatophytes

Generally, tinea faciei is often a pediatric condition. Many times, the dermatophytes in question are spread through contact with pets or other animals. For example, this condition can spread to the face of a child when he hugs a dog or other pet, or otherwise presents the facial area to surfaces that carry dermatophytes.

Tinea faciei can also be spread on one person to another by contacting shared surfaces. This condition can spread from one part of the body to another, making containment a crucial part of home treatment for this condition. Public spaces are often risky places in terms of acquiring these kinds of skin conditions. The similar fungus called tinea pedis or “athlete’s foot” is extremely common in gyms and shared showers. People can guard against this kind of dermatophyte invasion by wearing shower sandals in public areas.

Symptoms of Tinea Faciei

Symptoms of tinea faciei include flaky, scaly skin or reddish patches on the face. There may be burning or itching associated with tinea faciei. Over time, these conditions may get worse. In some cases, red lesions appear. In these extreme cases of tinea faciei, additional infection can occur without proper home care.

Tinea Faciei can be exacerbated by poor hygiene or overexposure to the sun.

Dealing With Tinea Faciei

For those who have an existing case of tinea faciei, all care must be taken to prevent the spread of this fungal infection to other areas of the body. Doctors may prescribe medications or recommend over-the-counter topical solutions for helping to diminish tinea faciei. When similar conditions affect parts of the body covered by clothing, doctors often recommend changing clothes often.

Ask your doctor about any signs or symptoms of tinea faciei to find out whether they indicate an underlying condition and how persistent these conditions might be on a long-term basis. Getting quality medical advice from your doctor is crucial for dealing with these kinds of skin conditions before they get out of control. Provide your family medical history and a list of known allergies, and ask your doctor about all of the benefits and risks of any recommended treatments.