Symptoms of Blisters

Blisters develop when the body releases fluid to a part of the skin that is irritated. They can be caused by exposure to fire or another irritant. To protect the skin from breaking or being further damaged, the body places fluid to act as a barrier against the irritant. While designed to protect the skin, however, blisters are painful. Blisters are a natural reaction that cannot be prevented except for ceasing the irritant from affecting the area.

Indication a Blister Exists

A formed blister will appear as a disc of fluid underneath a layer of skin. Depending on the size of the blister, the fluid may move when touched. Blisters are painful and may be red. Sometimes a blister will burst prior to you recognizing that you have a blister. If this is the case, the blister would be empty of fluid and the skin flattened. The area will still be painful after bursting and may still run the risk of developing another blister underneath the original or next to the original.

Indication a Blister Is about to Form

When a blister is about to form, the irritated skin may become red and sensitive to the touch. Fluid may not have begun to collect. Potentially, the top layers of skin could be peeled away. To prevent a blister from forming, you must remove the irritant from the area.

Healing Blisters

A typical blister will heal independently, provided that the irritant has been removed. A severe blister due to exposure to a chemical or fire burn may require medical treatment. If a blister has not healed on its own after a week, seek medical attention.