Suspect Lice? Who Can Diagnose Head/Body/Pubic Lice

Pediculosis or the infestation with lice is a common condition, and it may affect humans that have been exposed to other people with lice or clothes infested with lice eggs. There are 3 types of lice: the head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis), the body lice (Pediculus humanus humanus) or the pubic lice (crabs). If you suspect you have lice, you can get a confirmation from your doctor. Diagnosing lice can be done though a simple test.

Symptoms of Lice

Typically, the symptoms of lice should prompt you to a diagnosis. You will feel itchiness in different parts of the body; the pubic lice may cause itchiness in several areas including the pubic and axillary area, eye lashes or head. You may also notice a few lice bites (red sore in the case of body and head lice or bluish sores in the pubic area). The itchiness is more severe during nighttime.

You may also detect the lice as they are visible creatures. The lice are white-grey 2 to 3 mm long creatures and the nits will look like dandruff, which are attached to hair or clothes with a special “glue” which will make these difficult to remove

Diagnosing Lice

If you fail to diagnose the lice at home, a doctor may diagnose these; he will look for lice or eggs and nits, and will establish the type of lice you may have. The lice and eggs will be analyzed under microscope. There are no other tests to diagnose lice.