Preparing for Your Sensitive Skin Appointment

Sensitive skin affects many individuals, both men and women. There are various causes and symptoms associated with sensitive skin, and these factors may determine which treatment skincare professionals recommend.

Preparing for the Appointment

In the days leading up to an appointment, patients should take notice of what may trigger their sensitive skin reactions. Thinking back to previous flare ups of symptoms may also be helpful in developing a pattern. The physician is likely to ask questions about the patient's activities, environment and behaviors before they notice symptoms to pinpoint what may trigger them.

Questions to Expect

During a consultation or appointment, the physician is likely to ask about environmental factors present before or during flare ups of symptoms. Patients may also be presented questions about family history to determine if genetic factors may play a role, or to determine if a certain skin condition may be causing symptoms. Many physicians begin an appointment by asking questions and performing a physical examination of the skin. They may also perform tests to rule out or confirm certain skin conditions.

Questions to Ask

Asking skincare professionals the following questions may be helpful during an appointment: ユ What may be triggering my symptoms? ユ Should I make certain lifestyle changes to avoid flare ups of symptoms? ユ What treatment options do I have? ユ Are there any alternatives to your recommended treatment? ユ Are my symptoms caused by a skin condition? ユ Will my symptoms ever go away completely? Patients should also form some of their own questions before an appointment. Never be afraid to ask questions during an appointment. A skincare professional is the best resource for information pertaining to sensitive skin and patients should take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions.