Cold Sore Treatment: How Zinc Chelate Can Help

A cold sore is caused by a virus that may be contracted from another infected person who is affected by the Herpes virus. Once the virus is contracted, it cannot be removed from the body, and when the virus activates, cold sores occur. There are numerous cold sore remedies. Zinc chelate is a mineral that may be employed to improve immunity and will help the healing of cold sores.

What Is Zinc Chelate?

Zinc is a mineral that may support the immune system and may also repair skin tissues. People with a zinc deficiency are more susceptible to infections.

Zinc may be found as a supplement, and when the zinc is chelated, the supplement is absorbed faster in the system. The zinc amino acid chelate will link to glycine, which is another essential amino acid that helps the body to absorb minerals.

Zinc Chelate and Cold Sores

Zinc chelate may have a preventive function for cold sores; having sufficient zinc in the body will prevent cold sore outbreaks. Zinc supports the immune system, and cold sore outbreaks are more common in people with a weakened immune system.

Zinc chelate may also have a beneficial effect on cold sores; the zinc will repair the skin tissue and the cold sore will heal faster. Applied externally, zinc can also heal the herpes and will prevent depigmentation or scarring.

Also, when an infection occurs, the zinc in the body has the power to activate the immune system, helping it fight off the infection.

Foods Rich in Zinc

Even if zinc chelate is more easily absorbed by the body, you can also eat foods that contain zinc. The foods that you should be looking for to boost your immunity and fight cold sore outbreaks are:

  • Fish and seafood
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dairy products
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Cereals, especially wholegrain cereals
  • Peas (all legumes)
  • Yeast and yeast products such as bread, beer

Other Methods to Heal Cold Sores

Cold sores may also be healed using a number of methods:

  • Lysine is an amino acid that may prevent the activity of the herpes virus that causes the cold sores and can also help healing the skin tissues; lysine may be produced in the body, but may also be taken as a supplement
  • Vitamin C or the ascorbic acid may help in healing the cold sore, as the vitamin helps producing collagen, which is essential to heal wounds; vitamin C is also an immunity booster
  • Bioflavonoids include the Quercetin, Rutin and Hesperidin and are great antioxidants, strengthening skin cells and favoring the absorption of vitamin C
  • Lactoferrin is a protein that can be found in dairy products
  • B vitamins ( B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 or B12) reduce stress--cold sores often occur in times of stress
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is beneficial in skin healing