Areas of the Body Palomar Fractional Resurfacing Treats

Palomar™ Fractional Resurfacing is a laser treatment to diminish fine lines, wrinkles, rosacea, acne scars and unwanted pigmentation lesions. In addition, it can treat spider veins. This procedure utilizes both an ablative and non-ablative method. Not all of the skin is treated, so as to leave some healthy tissue for fast regeneration. This method, however, still offers the same amount of effectiveness as many solely ablative treatments.

This procedure transmits light energy with the use of a laser while saving the integrity of healthy skin. The recovery is only normally two to four days in comparison to carbon dioxide treatments that often require a much longer recovery. Vascular lesions with this technique normally take 10 to 14 days of recovery time. The treatment can usually be performed within one hour and is less painful than many other procedures. Palomar™ treats many different areas of the body.

Face and Neck

This procedure treats the face and neck area. Palomar™ is known to restore a feeling and appearance of youthfulness. Skin texture is often improved. The elasticity of the face improves, as does the firmness. It also may be helpful with rosacea, diminishing redness with the use of this light therapy, especially if special cleansers and creams are utilized in combination with the treatment.

Shoulders and Chest

Acne scars may also develop on the chest area and shoulders. Palomar™ helps to minimize pore size, smooths acne and diminishes age spots.


This procedure helps to improve acne that can sometimes develop on the back area. In addition, it improves surgical scars.


Palomar™ Fractional Resurfacing is also used for hand skin treatment. This technique improves the tone and texture of the skin of the hands.


The Palomar™ may be safely used in the area of the legs. Leg vein treatments are frequently done with few side effects and little down-time.

Around the Lips and Eyes

The Palomar 2940™ is one of the most advanced skin rejuvenating laser systems. It may be used for treatment around the lips and eye area.