Advantages and Disadvantages of Palomar Fractional Resurfacing

Palomar™ Fractional Resurfacing is a laser treatment procedure promising to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. This state of the art technique performs both an ablative and non-ablative therapy. With this method, some of the skin is left untreated to allow for quick rejuvenation, while still offering the same effectiveness. As with any type of procedure, there are advantages and disadvantages.


Fast Healing
Because the Palomar™ uses the non-ablative method in combination with the ablative therapy, it allows for fast healing such as non-ablative procedures, but with the great results of an ablative method. This type of procedure offers not only a quick recovery time, but a gentle treatment as well. In addition, with faster healing, there are fewer risks.

No Topical Anesthetic Required
Although some patients may sometime request to have a topical anesthetic, none is required. With the sapphire cooling tip, the temperature of the skin is controlled, and will not get hot. As tiny rows of skin are treated, the skin does not heat up. This function allows for a comfortable session.

Ability to Be Precise
A great deal of precision can be utilized with Palomar™ Fractional Resurfacing with its microbeams. The multiple pulse settings offer the ability for the procedure to be tailored to each individual's needs.

Penetrates Deeper
As this procedure penetrates deeper than most other methods of laser treatment, more new tissue forms. The deeper the treatment, the more new collagen is created.

Less Chance for Infection
As the top layer of the skin is maintained, there is less chance for infection. Other types of treatments that are ablative can cause damage to the surface of the skin, promoting infection.


Affects the Top Layer of the Skin
Although the Palomar™ method is minimally invasive with its cooling system and with only selected areas being treated, the top layer of the skin can still be affected. Most of its treatment areas however, are deeper within the skin.

Higher Costs
This type of treatment for fine wrinkles may range between $600 and $2,000. This amount is higher than many other types of cosmetic skin procedures.

Multiple Treatments
More than one treatment is often necessary for optimal results with the Palomar™ Fractional Resurfacing method.