Conditions that ArteFill Treats

Among non-invasive surgical techniques used for treating signs of aging, Artefill has become the preferred choice for many people. Artefill is essentially one of the most improved forms of dermal fillers available in the contemporary, cosmetic treatment niche.

Treats Aging Skin

Artefill is recommended for treating certain specific kinds of skin conditions related to the aging process. This includes smile lines and frown lines apart from other forms of wrinkles that develop in the facial skin surrounding the mouth. The results of Artefill are best exhibited when the overlying skin surface is a bit thick. This allows the appropriate amount of dermal filler to be placed and ensures that the filler is well-concealed. This is why Artefill is the favored option for lip enhancement since the pout is perfectly enabled to conceal the filler.

Artefill is not recommended for certain parts of the face with a thinner, outer skin layer. This includes the skin surrounding the eyelids. Similarly, the use of Artefill is not recommended for treating facial wrinkles that are prone to regular movement. This is particularly true for crow's feet. These are folds of skin found along the corners of the eyes, radiating at an outward direction towards the ears, and have a very slender layer of overlying skin.

Lesser Known Application of Artefill

One of the lesser understood, but equally impressive uses of Artefill is improving the dynamics of the facial structure. Artefill is among the most durable of dermal fillers, providing long-term results that are desperately sought by people looking for a more undemanding option for procedures like non-surgical rhinoplasty. Artefill is now being recommended as a way of improving the appearance of the nasolabial folds and improving the overall balance of the nose (with respect to the facial aesthetics).

Artefill Compatibility

Artefill has a slightly more mature clientele than some of the other cosmetic procedures. This isn't because Artefill presents any substantial risks to individuals in the lower age-group. Dermal fillers are recommended by dermatologists at a time when other skin-tightening options are unable to yield the desired results. Dermal fillers are usually retained for a long time. Thus, dermatologists seek the psychological maturity that is needed to understand the long-term effects of retaining Artefill. Further, the person seeking this treatment should be mature enough to understand the specialized nature of an Artefill procedure.