How is Cool Lipo different from Smart Lipo?

They sound really similar. Is one more effective than the other?

Answers from doctors (1)

More About Doctor Rejuve

Published on Feb 18, 2010

Both Cool Lipo and Smart Lipo are safe and effective in maximizing the results of
liposculpture as well as tightening skin. They both use the minimally invasive techniques and have small fibers. The Smartlipo was FDA approved in 2006 and the Cool Lipo was
FDA approved in 2008. The difference is the different wavelength. The Smartlipo has 2 wavelengths 1064, 1320 (the latest version also has the 1440) while the Cool Lipo has the 1320. At this time there is no head to head studies to show that one system is better than the other. Theoretically, the higher you go in terms of wavelength, the higher the heat
and the more skintightening. However, this has not been well studied. In addition, however, when you go higher you do have a higher chance of burning the skin.

Answered by Rejuve (View Profile)

Both Cool Lipo and Smart Lipo are safe and effective in maximizing the results of
liposculpture as well as tightening skin. They both use the minimally invasive techniques and have small fibers. The Smartlipo was FDA approved in 2006 and the Cool Lipo was
FDA approved in 2008. The difference is the different wavelength. The Smartlipo has 2 wavelengths 1064, 1320 (the latest version also has the 1440) while the Cool Lipo has the 1320. At this time there is no head to head studies to show that one system is better than the other. Theoretically, the higher you go in terms of wavelength, the higher the heat
and the more skintightening. However, this has not been well studied. In addition, however, when you go higher you do have a higher chance of burning the skin.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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