Cost and Financing of Skin Rash Treatments

Skin rashes cover a wide variety of actual skin conditions. Skin rashes can also be a symptom of medical conditions that have nothing to do with the skin. Skin rashes can also be a side effect of medication, both OTC and prescribed. All of these lead to a number of different treatments and the costs related to them. Many skins rashes are common rashes that often cause no symptoms aside from discomfort.

Most Common Skin Rashes

The types of skin conditions that cause rashes include:

  • Atopic
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Fungal Infections
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Viral Rash
  • Allergic Drug Rash
  • Other Rashes

Allergic drug and other rashes are fairly obvious. Atopic is the category that includes eczema, which is generally caused by seasonal allergies and tends to be extremely itchy and inflamed. Contact dermatitis is caused by contact with poison ivy and poison oak, but can also be caused by psoriasis. These conditions has a scaly appearance on the skin and can dry out and cause oozing.

OTC vs Medical Treatment

Most of these rashes can be treated with OTC medications which soothe itching, moisture skin and kill germs. More serious skin rashes, like those that come with bacterial and viral infections, often need prescribed medical treatments. Skin rashes caused by bacterial infections need to be treated with oral medications.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage is only determined by the treatment you need as prescribed by your doctor. Generally, you are only looking at the cost of the prescriptions required. If you're concerned about the cost, contact your pharmacy before filling your prescriptions or speak with your doctor about generic options.

Regardless of the skin rash you're dealing with, there are a number of treatment options that most medical insurance will pay for. Even mild skin rashes can be severe, so always see your doctor if a skin rash develops.