Rosacea Natural Treatment: Food Intolerances

Rosacea natural treatment may include identifying and avoiding foods that generate a rosacea eruption or worsen the already existing condition. This is considered a food intolerance, which is not the same as a food allergy. Allergies typically trigger multiple histamine responses, which may include congestion, itching, watery eyes and redness.

Food intolerance symptoms may be so minor that the affected person may not be aware they are experiencing a reaction. Keeping a food diary may be helpful in determining if a particular food is contributing to a rosacea outbreak. According to patient reports, certain food groups are more likely to initiate a response than other food groups; however, not all rosacea patients will react to the same groups of food. Additionally, food is not a trigger in all rosacea patients.


Caffeine contributes to the reddening of the skin, because it is a vascular dilator. More blood begins to collect within the small blood vessels located near the surface of the skin, giving the skin a more flushed appearance. Caffeine is also a stimulant. It elevates blood pressure and increases the levels of stress hormones within the body. Coffee, soft drinks, black and green tea all contain varying amounts of caffeine.


Alcohol can also act as a vascular dilator. Many patients report increased flushing after drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is also a diuretic that can dehydrate the skin, causing it to contract. This combination of diuretic and vascular dilator can make the small blood vessels appear nearer to the surface of the skin. Moderation and drinking water along with an alcoholic beverage can reduce the chance of dehydration.

Spicy Foods

Foods that are known for their heat producing properties can cause flushing in persons who do not suffer from rosacea; however, these foods may further aggravate rosacea. This includes chiles, hot salsas, black pepper, cinnamon and ginger.

Aged Foods and Beverages

It has been suggested that rosacea may be worsened by the consumption of the nitrates contained in aged foods. These foods include aged cheeses, red wine, bacon and other cured meats.

Dairy Products

It is not understood why some dairy products trigger rosacea outbreaks. Commonly reported dairy foods include yogurt and cultured sour cream.