7 Facts about Women's Hair Loss

Women’s hair loss can be an issue and may be caused by various factors, including genetics and hormonal activity. A daily hair loss of up to 100 hairs is normal, but when excessive hair loss occurs, this may lead to baldness or bald patches. There are a few facts that should be known about women’s hair loss.

1. A Hormonal Imbalance Causes Hair Loss

A thyroid gland dysfunction can lead to hair loss. Tests can determine if the patient has hypo or hyperthyroidism.

The estrogen (female sexual hormone) imbalance may also cause hair loss. During menopause, the estrogen may be produced in lower amounts and hair loss is common. If the hormonal imbalance is corrected, the hair loss should be no longer an issue.

2. Pregnancy Causes Hair Loss

Pregnancy, or the period after pregnancy, can cause temporary hair loss in women. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy and a few months after, the hormonal activity is more intense.

Treatment is not necessary, as the hormones should get back to a normal level after the pregnancy and the hair loss won’t be a problem anymore.

3. Certain Drugs and Illnesses May Cause Hair Loss

Certain drugs such as steroids, cyclophosphamides, anticoagulants, birth control pills, antidepressants or chemotherapy may cause hair loss, but the hair loss in only temporary and the hair should grow back after the treatment is discontinued.

Some diseases, such as lupus or diabetes, can also lead to hair loss. Also, after a long illness or surgery, hair loss is common in women.

4. Hair Loss Is Hereditary

In most cases of permanent hair loss in women, the problem is due to hereditary factors. Just as certain men go bald after a certain age, women may also lose more hair. If the problem is inherited, the signs of alopecia should appear after the age of 20.

However, in women, the baldness rarely affects the entire scalp and the thinning of the hair due to hair loss is more common.

5. Hairstyles Affect Hair Loss

Ponytails and having the hair tied tight all day long may lead to the weakening of the hair follicles and can be a cause of hair loss; the hair follicles may also be damaged.

However, once these hairstyles are no longer used and the hair follicle is not damaged, the patient should have normal hair.

6. Diet Can Improve the Quality of Hair

A balanced diet may determine the quality of the hair and may also maintain the hormonal balance. If the diet lacks certain nutrients and vitamins (i.e. A and E), the hair may become weaker.

7. Hair Loss Can Be Stopped

Hair loss can be stopped in some cases. While hereditary alopecia cannot be reversed, it may be improved by a change in diet and lifestyle.

Also, if the hair loss is caused by drugs, an illness or hormonal problems, the condition can be improved.