Hair Loss Treatments for Women: Nizoral and Ketoconazole

Hair loss treatments can range from naturist remedies to long term medical therapies, depending on what caused the condition and the choices of the patient. In the case of women, hair loss is a growing concern and studies show that more than 25% of women will have to confront this condition at a certain point in their lives. Hair loss in women it not as common as it is in men. It can be a temporary or a permanent condition, depending on what is causing it.

Hormonal Imbalance and Hair Loss in Women

Hormonal imbalance is responsible for most cases of hair loss in women. There are genetic as well as non-genetic factors related to hormone production, and when there is a hormonal imbalance, this leads to hair loss.

For instance, androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary disorder which involves of the production of higher quantities of male hormones (testosterone and DHT, the result of metabolized testosterone), which attack the hair follicles and cause hair loss. Besides hereditary factors, hormonal imbalance can also be caused by pregnancy, thyroidal conditions, aging and menopause.

Nizoral and Ketoconazole

Ketoconazole is an antifungal medicine obtained synthetically, which is used to cure fungal infections as well as skin and scalp conditions. It also acts as a weak antiandrogen and can determine a reduction of testosterone and other androgen hormones production. Given this property, it can be used successfully in treating hair loss in women. It is available on the market as an ingredient in Nizoral, a shampoo beneficial both for hair loss and dandruff, or other skin problems at the level of the skull.

Ketoconazole pills are not recommended for the treatment of hair loss. The Ketaconazole pills can disturb the hormonal production, especially testosterone, when used for long periods of time and in high doses. The drug is also known to affect the liver and cause nausea, diarrhea and headaches.

Use of Nizoral Shampoo

Nizoral is the trademark for ketoconazole, and the Nizoral shampoo contains 2% of this substance. As a treatment for hair loss, it can be prescribed alone or together with other hair loss treatments. Studies have shown that the ketoconazole shampoo has a beneficial effect on hair density and on the improvement of anagen follicles. Researchers are of the opinion that this effect is caused both by its anti-fungal action and by its antiandrogen effects.

Topical application is recommended twice a week. When applying the shampoo, it is recommended to massage it on the scalp for 3 to 5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Side Effects of Ketoconazole Treatment

Shampoo based on ketoconazole is well tolerated if used respecting the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The side effects reported regarding the use of the ketaconazole shampoo consist of mild irritations, slight change of hair color and dry skin. The Nizoral shampoo can be used during pregnancy or breast feeding.