7 Facts about Male Hair Loss

Male hair loss affects a wide range of men, and it is an undesirable condition. The condition can be transmitted through genes. There are a number of misconceptions about male alopecia, and many things are not yet known about this condition. But, there are also a few facts about male hair loss.

1. Male Hair Loss Is Hereditary

Even if the causes of male hair loss are not precisely known, it is believed that over 90% of male baldness is hereditary.

The baldness may be inherited from the father’s or the mother’s side. This means that even if the father may have a healthy scalp with lots of hair, the patient may suffer from alopecia if inheriting the mother’s genes that contains the baldness gene.

2. Hormonal Deficiency Causes Hair Loss

Hormonal activity should be normal in a healthy patient’s body and when there is a deficit of certain hormones (i.e. thyroid hormones), hair loss can be present. The hormonal level can be monitored through regular blood tests, especially in men that are prone to developing hypo or hyperthyroidism.

3. Drugs Cause Alopecia

Medication treatment can lead to hair loss, which is typically temporary. Drugs that may cause hair loss include:

  • Blood thinners or anticoagulants
  • Steroids
  • Chemotherapy
  • Cyclophosphamides
  • Anti depressant pills

4. Some Diseases Cause Alopecia

Certain illnesses such as diabetes or immune system mediated conditions (i.e. lupus) may cause alopecia. There are also other conditions that may cause a hormonal imbalance:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Tumors that may affect the thyroid glands, the pituitary glands or the hypothalamus, which can interfere with the production of hormones

The hair loss may also be present after a surgery or if the patient suffers from a chronic condition that causes stress.

5. There Are Unknown Causes of Alopecia

Even if heredity is considered the leading cause of alopecia and hair loss may be caused by drugs and diseases, researchers haven’t found other specific causes of alopecia. The way hair loss in men develops is not clear, so further research is needed.

6. There Are 7 Types of Baldness

There is a scale that measures the type of baldness, and this diagnosis tool has been developed by Dr. Hamilton in the 1950s. The scale has been perfected by Dr. Norwood and today, it is known as the Hamilton Norwood scale.

According to this scale, there are 7 types of baldness--the 7th stage being the most advanced case of alopecia. The scale is often used to determine the stage of the hair loss and to find the most suitable type of treatment.

7. Hair Loss Is Reversible in Some Cases

Hair loss is reversible in a number of cases:

  • When caused by a disease
  • After surgery
  • When caused by medication treatment
  • When there is a hormonal imbalance in the body that can be fixed

If the hair loss is natural, having hereditary causes, the process is not reversible.