Types of Eczema: Autoeczematization

Autoeczematization is a type of eczema that is caused by another infection or eczema which is on other parts of the body. It may begin with a rash, blisters, itching or pustules. Autoeczematization can affect any part of the body, but will most often begin on the arms and legs and then spread to other areas of the body.

Cause of Autoeczematization

Autoeczematization is usually caused by the skin having a reaction to an infection. The infection may be caused by a virus, fungus, bacteria or even a parasite. If the body develops an infection, the skin reacts to it by decreasing the immune system. This makes the skin more susceptible to developing a disease. This can cause the skin to become more irritated and then can result in autoeczematization.

Symptoms of Autoeczematization

Autoeczematization begins with an infection attacking the body. The infection may be caused by bacteria, fungus or a virus. One to two weeks later, the infection will develop on the skin. The skin may become dry and itchy. Sores will begin to develop, usually on the forearms and legs, and then spreading to other areas of the body. The lesions will be red and swollen, and may contain pus. In some cases the lesions will be accompanied by fever.

Diagnosing Autoeczematization

To properly diagnose autoeczematization you will need to see a doctor. Your doctor will begin by asking if you have had any other symptoms of another infection. They will usually take a skin culture, which is done by taking a sterile swab and rubbing it over the lesions. The swab is sent to the lab where it is placed in a growth medium to determine the exact diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been made, treatment can be started.

Treatments for Autoeczematization

Once autoeczematization has been officially diagnosed, your doctor will most likely begin by treating the infection which first caused the outbreak. Then you can begin to treat the lesions. There are different ways to help relieve the symptoms of autoeczematization.

  • Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are usually applied to the skin in the form of creams. These creams help to relieve itching and inflammation on the skin. Your doctor may give you a prescription for a corticosteroid, or there are many available over the counter.
  • Antihistamines: Antihistamines may be used to help relieve itching. These are usually in the form of pills and taken orally.
  • Moisturizers: In addition to treatment with medication you will also want to apply a good moisturizer to the skin on a daily basis. Your doctor should be able to recommend a good moisturizer.

If you think that you have developed autoeczematization or another form of eczema, talk to your doctor to determine the exact diagnosis and cause. Then they can help provide you with the right treatment.