7 Foods that Cause Eczema

Eczema may be caused by a wide range of factors, including foods. Avoiding some foods can prevent the occurrence of eczema in some cases, but when the eczema is hereditary, the food you eat has very little to do with the outbreaks. Learning what foods can trigger eczemas is essential.

1. Dairy Products

Dairy products may facilitate the occurrence of eczema. Stay away from sour milk, aged cheeses, yogurt with active cultures, buttermilk or other fermented products. In addition, eggs may also cause eczema.

The lactose is the main culprit, so milk that contains no lactose may be consumed.

2. Wheat

Wheat is a product that may lead to an eczema outbreak. Avoid wheat and products made with wheat. Always make sure to check the labels of the foods you purchase.

3. Acidic Fruits

Acidic fruits such as grapefruit, lemons, plums, prunes or cranberries should be avoided. You may opt for other alkaline fruits such as bananas, oranges, figs or watermelon.

4. Acidic Foods

Other acidic foods may also cause eczema; avoid foods such as corn, beans, grains, coffee, most meats (except for chicken), liver, gravy, wine and distilled water. The digestive enzymes are also acidic, so you should avoid getting digestive enzyme supplements.

Most vegetables are alkaline, so they can be a part of your diet.

5. Nuts

Any types of nuts can lead to the occurrence of eczema. You may test to see if there are certain nuts you can eat, but typically, all nuts will cause an irritation.

6. Seafood

Seafood can irritate the digestive system, especially when consumed raw, and eczemas may occur.

7. Chemicals Used in Foods

The manufacturing process of foods involves using some additives, preservatives and colorings which are typically synthetic and will cause an outbreak of eczema.

There are foods that are prepared with natural preservatives such as antioxidants, vitamin E or rosemary extracts.

You may also avoid processed and semi processed foods and get all your foods fresh. Organic products are more recommended, as they are grown without chemicals and hormones.

As mentioned earlier, heredity may play an important role in eczemas, so even if you eat the right foods, you may still have eczema outbreaks.

Also, each person is different and you may react negatively to other foods, so basically each and every food may potentially cause eczema. Ideally, you should test some foods through an elimination diet. Remove all suspected foods and stick to a diet that contains foods you can tolerate without getting eczema. Gradually reintroduce certain ingredients and see if the eczema returns.

You should also avoid stress, which can trigger the occurrence of eczemas. Other factors that may trigger eczema include smoke, dust mites, mold, plant pollens, pet dander or chemicals from soaps, shampoos, fragrances or household chemicals and different materials (i.e. woolen clothes worn directly on the skin, synthetic material bedding).