Risk factors for developing Facial Veins

Facial veins can affect both men and women at virtually any age. But, there are some factors that can increase your chances of developing the condition.

Chronic Allergies

Repeated coughing and sneezing episodes put extra pressure on the blood vessels, which can lead to spider and varicose facial veins, especially on the cheeks.


Although both women and men can develop facial veins, women tend to have a higher risk of contracting the condition. Hormonal imbalance during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, are all factors that contribute to facial veins. This is primarily due to the female hormone estrogen. Estrogen weakens the vein walls and makes them more susceptible to blood pooling, which can cause the appearance of veins in the face.

Oral Contraceptives

As mentioned above, the female hormone estrogen can abate the vein walls and eventually leading to the appearance of facial veins. Taking birth control bills which contain high levels of estrogen may increase your risk of developing this condition. Studies have shown that women who take oral contraceptives are more likely to develop blood clots in the veins.


More than 40% of pregnant women suffer from spider or varicose veins. During pregnancy there is an increased amount of blood flow which can cause the veins to swell. Enlarged veins can impair valve function and lead to clogged blood in the veins. Towards the end of pregnancy veins can also become quite distended as a result of pressure from the uterus.


Rosacea is a skin condition that causes general redness and swelling of the face. If you have rosacea you are at a higher risk of developing facial spider veins.


Many skin care specialists believe that the development of facial veins can be a result of an inherited genetic dysfunction of the vein walls and poor blood circulation. If someone in your family suffers from facial veins, then you are likely to develop them too If you are at a high risk of developing facial veins, it is recommended to consult with a skin care specialist so that they can provide you with the appropriate course of prevention and treatment before the condition gets worse.