Treatments That Active FX Can be Combined With

Active FX is a type of treatment for certain blemishes and other cosmetic issues on the face. Like other facial rejuvenation techniques, Active FX works to both eliminate problem spots on the face and also to promote the growth of healthy new skin cells, to give the face an active, younger appearance. Active FX can be combined with one or more of the many other treatments that are designed to accomplish a similar goal.

Treatments to Consider for Combination

Fraxel Restore is similar in many ways to Active FX. Both make use of laser lights to promote new skin growth. These two treatments can be combined, but the benefit of having both may not be great enough to outweigh the cost. More likely, your doctor will recommend another type of treatment in addition to Active FX. This may include Botox® or other neurotoxin injections to help support sagging muscles in the face. It may also include chemical peels to prepare and treat the skin.

Other Considerations

Before you engage in Active FX, and before you combine it with any other treatment, speak with your dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon for advice about how to combine these treatments. It's possible to combine certain treatments in such a way as to cause permanent damage to your facial skin, so it's crucial that you take this decision very seriously and think carefully about what you'll do.

For more information about Active FX and any other treatment options of this type, speak with a medical professional in your area.