How to Prepare for Skin Tyte

Skin Tyte is an infrared light energy to reduce skin laxity and repair certain skin imperfections. If you have decided to get this type of non invasive treatment, you should learn how to prepare for the procedure.

Test before Skin Tyte

The dermatologist may perform a few blood tests prior to the Skin Tyte treatment to determine if you are a suitable candidate. The doctor may also take a look at the condition of the skin and will recommend waiting if you have any blisters, lesions, cold sores or any open wounds. After the skin is completely healed, the treatment can be safely applied.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Sun exposure should be positively avoided prior to a Skin Tyte treatment. Artificial tanning should also be avoided, as it also employs UV rays. Wear protective sun screen, clothing or hats when going outside.

If the skin is tanned, the Skin Tyte treatment may not be effective. The lighter the skin tone, the higher chances of getting the best possible results after Skin Tyte. If you have sun burnt or tanned skin, you should wait until the tan fades away.

Discontinue Drugs

Certain drugs cannot be taken prior and after the Skin Tyte treatment. These drugs include:

  • Retinoids and other vitamin A derivates such as Acutane, often prescribed in patients with active acne. These drugs should not be taken for at least 6 months before a Skin Tyte treatment.
  • Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, such as Aspirin
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Blood thinners (i.e. Coumadin, Heparin)

Herbal remedies that are taken as blood thinners (i.e. ginger or garlic), anti inflammatories or vitamin A supplements should be avoided at least 2 weeks prior to the Skin Tyte treatment.

Patients that get insulin shots don’t qualify as good candidates for Skin Tyte. If you are a diabetic with insulin dependence, you should talk to your dermatologist to find alternative treatments that can be more suitable.

Get Pain Medication

After the Skin Tyte procedure, you may be in pain, especially if you choose to get the treatment in more sensitive areas such as the eye lids or lips.

Get some over the counter medication or ask the plastic surgeon to prescribe you some drugs. Fill the prescription, so you don’t have to rush to the pharmacy after the Skin Tyte procedure, while in pain.

The Day of Treatment

Before the Skin Tyte procedure, you will have to clean your face using a cleanser and make sure to remove all make up and impurities from the skin.

Male patients should shave just before the Skin Tyte treatment, so that the treatment can be easily applied on the face and areas that may be covered with facial hair.

The doctor will apply a numbing cream or if you request you may also get a local anesthetic. Consult with your doctor before the procedure and decide on the problem areas that should be treated with the Skin Tyte energy.