Cost and Financing of Alopecia Treatments

Alopecia, or hair loss, is treated in a number of different ways depending on the cause of the hair loss and the age and health of the patient. Always speak with your doctor and dermatologist to determine the cause of Alopecia before considering treatment options. If the hair loss is a result of a disease or condition you're already treating, such as cancer or lupus, you need to avoid adding any treatments into your daily routine until they are determined safe.

Treatment Options

If your hair loss is determined to not be linked to any other underlying medical condition, you can consider a number of treatment options including creams, transplants and natural remedies. If the Alopecia is a condition your child is experiencing, you'll need to carefully consider a treatment safe enough for children and none are recommended for children under the age of 5.

A topical cream, like Calosol, can range in price from $75 and up. Natural remedies are extremely cost effective because they only require the cost of the ingredients used. Hair transplant options are most expensive and you'll need to consult with a transplant specialist on price.

Alopecia Treatment Financing Options

Depending on the cause and severity of your hair loss, an insurance company may or may not cover the cost of the treatments. Some insurance plans allow for reimbursement after successful treatment has been used. Talk with your dermatologist and his billing office about financing options.