Acne Treatment: Minocycline

Among the various acne treatment options, the use of oral antibiotics is regarded as one of the more undemanding and comprehensive cures. Among antibiotic acne treatments, Minocycline is among the most widely prevalent of prescription medicines. Minocycline belongs to the group of tetracycline-based antibiotics and is used to treat significantly-inflamed acne that doesn’t respond to conventional treatments like topical creams. Minocycline has been in used for more than three decades and is available under various brand names.

Minocycline Usage for Bacterial Acne Treatment

Minocycline belongs to the anti-bacterial range of oral antibiotics, i.e. it cures acne by killing the bacterial infections present in skin pores. Due to its anti-bacterial action, Minocycline is often recommended for pustular acne wherein bacterial infection takes an invasive form. Minocycline is more applicable for people who are struggling with a chronic case of acne rather than folks having a sporadic episode of some pimples.

Severe cases of acne, like nodular acne or those that resemble skin lesions that are painful to touch, are regarded ideal for Minocycline treatment. Again, cystic acne may not always be caused due to bacterial infections, but the accompanying pain and scarring can be significantly reduced with Minocycline. Due to its established effectiveness, Minocycline is also recommended for more serious skin disorders like perioral dermatitis.

Minocycline vs Traditional Antibiotics

Unlike some other acne medications that need to be combined with supplementary medications, Minocycline is able to resolve issues like swelling on the skin. This is often referred to as Minocycline’s anti-inflammatory effect that is a major reason for its popularity. It is known to reduce the swelling, redness or puffiness that is associated with chronic acne. Some derivatives of Minocycline are now used as anti-inflammatory medciations for painful joints—this underlines the effectivity of Minocycline’s formulation.

In terms of safety-of-use, Minocycline is regarded as a safer choice than some of the most mainstream antibiotics like Penicillin and Ibuprofen. It is reputed as the antibiotic with the least side-effects. Unlike other antibiotics, Minocycline is not known to cause significant problems like gastrointestinal disorders. This is why it is even used when its application isn't precisely indicated, i.e. in the treatment of acne-like conditions like rosacea. Unlike many other antibiotics, Minocycline still isn't available in the form of externally-applicable creams or ointments.

Minocycline Administration

This antibiotic needs to be consumed in the appropriate manner for best results. Usually, it is recommended that the initial dosage is low, which is then increased gradually. The first dose of the day is usually taken on an empty stomach that increases the absorption of the medication by nearly 10%. Minocycline shouldn’t be consumed with carbonated beverages or milk that can impair its absorption.

Minocycline Side Effects

Minocycline can cause some side-effects, though their intensity and prevalence can have substantial differences across various individuals. It should be noted that most of these side-effects tend to subside without any medical aid and don’t pose serious problems. However, among people with sensitive skin, Minocycline usage over an extended period might cause some degree of skin discoloration. The patches might eventually fade-away or might be retained for a long time. One of the easiest ways to safeguard against these side-effects is to use Minocycline under medical supervision. Ideally, Minocycline shouldn’t be combined with other antibiotics without seeking a medical opinion.